Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Birthday gifts to friends, yourself, & community

As we get older, I noticed that personal birthdays are becoming less and less of a big deal and we begin to focused more on the people around us. However, there are also a wide variety of ways that bloggers can celebrate this joyous occasion that includes:
  1. Just say happy birthday
    I make it an effort to check out my social network everyday and find out who is celebrating their birthday just to greet them. If I know the person's mobile number, I would even send a text or give a call. In my experience, our friends, online or offline, and family cherish that.

  2. Organize a party
    Celebrating a birthday is a blessing. This can include arranging a party for yourself by inviting friends and loved ones to celebrate it with you.

  3. Celebrate through your blog
    Some bloggers organize a contest through their blog to get their community involved in sharing this special day.

  4. Throw a party for charity
    This is becoming popular as well where you celebrate your birthday by sharing blessings to a charity or caring institution.
In the U.S., organizing a party for yourself or for the people you love can be easy as birthday party supplies can be purchased online, from sites like Birthday Express, for this purpose and be delivered.

There are many ways that birthdays can be celebrated. Don't hesitate sharing this special day to the people around you whether you are in the giving or receiving end.
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